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Using the Portfolio with Multiple Galleries and Bio Template

The Portfolio with Multiple Galleries and Bio template is one of the most popular built-in templates available for the XFS v4.  Because of its advanced functionality, making modifications to this template is slightly more complex than it is with other templates.  This article covers how to make many common customizations.

It's important to note that this template is generally intended to be used as a full-browser-window slideshow.  You can learn more about configuring a slideshow to fill the browser window in this article.

Changing the Bio Text

To customize the text that appears in the Bio text area, switch to Source view in the Layout/Presentation section.  Scroll to the bottom and locate the following chunk of code, which defines the Bio text:

Customize Bio Text

Simply replace the highlighted text with the actual HTML text you would like to appear in the Bio area.  When you're finished, switch back to Design view - this is required to save your changes.

Changing the Size of the Image Area

Most templates are fully flexible in their dimensions; you can simply specify new dimensions in the Appearance Settings tab.  However, this template is an exception since it's designed to be a full-browser-window presentation.  The default template configuration includes a fixed-size image area that floats in the middle of the rest of the slideshow, and the overall slideshow width must be at least 930 pixels.  If you want to make this fixed area larger or smaller, you will need to make some modifications to the Source code in the Layout/Presentation section:

Changing dimensions


Add the code underlined in green; modify the three width values underlined in orange, reducing or increasing each value by the same amount.

After making the desired changes, switch back to Design view - this is required to save your changes.


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