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Enabling Site-Relative URLs

Important: This topic describes an advanced technique.  If you are not familiar with site-relative and document-relative URLs, or don't understand the difference between them, this topic isn't for you.

It is generally recommended that you always use the default setting of document-relative URL paths in your slideshows.  Even in CMS environments, site-relative paths can usually be avoided.  However, in certain instances you may have no other option than to use site-relative paths.  Using site-relative paths has the benefit that the holding page can be moved from folder to folder without breaking the file references.  However, it also means that the built-in preview will not be available; to preview, you will have to exit the wizard and preview in a browser.

To enable site-relative URLs for a slideshow, launch the Insert Slideshow wizard as normal.  Before doing anything else, go to the Global Configuration / Playback Settings main tab and expand the Custom HTML Parameter pod.  In the Param Name field enter useSiteRelativeURLs and in the Value field enter true:

Click the Set Parameter button to apply the setting.  You should see the following notification:

If you later wish to disable site-relative URLs and return to document-relative URLs, set the parameter again using a value of false.  When you apply the parameter, you should see a corresponding notification:

Note: Disabling site-relative URLs on an existing slideshow will not modify any existing image paths; you must modify the paths manually as needed.  Likewise, enabling site-relative URLs for an existing slideshow that already has images added will not affect the URLs of those images; their paths must be manually updated.