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Moving Existing Slideshows

Once you have inserted a slideshow into a page, it is generally recommended that you don't move that page to a different directory.  In cases where you must move the file to a different directory, special steps must be taken to ensure that the slideshow continues to display properly.  If you are not familiar with relative paths, you should view this helpful article before continuing.

Necessary Steps

It might seem obvious, but first make sure that the slideshow actually is broken.  Depending on where your files are relative to each other, modifications may not be needed.  If you receive a message reading To use the XML Flash Slideshow v4, you must upload the v4flashslideshow/slideshow.js file, and have a properly defined <script> reference to it in your HTML, then you must repair the slideshow file paths.

First, the reference to the v4flashslideshow/slideshow.js file must be updated.  This will be found just above the slideshow code, in a line which appears as follows:

<!-- Do not remove the line below!!! It is required for the DWUser XML Flash Slideshow v4. -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="v4flashslideshow/slideshow.js"></script>

The bolded reference must be updated to point to the new relative location of the slideshow.js file within the v4flashslideshow/ supporting files folder.

Second, the reference to the XML configuration file must be updated.  This will be found within the initialization parameter object, and will appear similarly to this:

XMLFlashSlideshow_v4({width:'300', height:'200', xml:'v4flashslideshow/slideshow_data1.xml', backgroundColor:'#000000', ...

The bolded reference must be updated to point to the new relative location of the v4flashslideshow/ supporting files folder.  If you made the changes correctly, you'll be able to select the slideshow in Design View and click the Edit Manually button in the property inspector to open the XML file for manual editing.

Third, you must update the image paths in the XML configuration file.  The paths must be updated to point to the images relative to the HTML page.  If your images are all in a single folder, this is a relatively simple operation.  In the XML file, locate each <gallery> node in the <galleries> section, each of which will look similar to this:

<gallery title="Demo gallery" description="Description Text" fullPathPrefix="images/rocks/">

The bolded fullPathPrefix value represents the path prepended to every image's file name.  It is the relative path from the HTML to the images folder.  This must be updated to reflect the new location of the HTML page.  Important: If there is a thumbPathPrefix value, update that as well.  It should point to the thumbnails folder.

Tip: To learn more about the XML configuration file format, see the Developer Reference.

Fourth, if applicable, use the wizard to update any paths to video, audio, or external skin files.  (You can make these changes manually, but it is generally easier to use the wizard.)  Essentially, the paths to all external files must be updated so that they reflect the new relative path from the HTML page to the asset.


If, after making the above changes, you still have trouble, check the following:

  • If you still receive a message reading To use the XML Flash Slideshow v4, you must upload the v4flashslideshow/slideshow.js file, and have a properly defined <script> reference to it in your HTML, then check that the <script> reference to the v4flashslideshow/slideshow.js file is correct.
  • If the slideshow appears but displays an XML loading error, check that you correctly updated the path to the XML file.
  • If the slideshow appears properly but all images are blank and the red Image / Asset Loading Error bar appears at the bottom of the slideshow, check that you modified the image paths in the XML configuration file correctly.